Wednesday, April 30, 2008

GTA IV is taking over the world!

GTA IV is now officially released and it’s kicking some serious behind. If you haven’t read the reviews yet, IGN and Gamespot (The two big kahunas of the gaming press) gave GTA IV 10/10. Which is just insane! I can't remember the last time a game got 10/10 from both IGN and Gamespot. GTA 4 FTW! Kudos to Rockstar for making GTA IV.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What do we mean by quality?

As a gamer, I know from experience that jaggies can ruin the visuals of a video game. If we wanted pixelated stuff then we'd play the 8-bit or 16-bit generation lol. You might have read on our homepage about the quality of our t-shirt design. I'll talk about what we mean by quality on this post.

All our designs are done in vector based graphics. Okay, so what does that mean? Well, it means that the graphics are not compressed and the result is clean sharp lines just like what you would get on a HDTV. Vector graphics also keep their sharpness even when you scale them (make them bigger). So in theory, you could plaster the side of a skycraper with one of our design and you wouldn't get a single jaggie!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Humble Beggings & The School of Hard Knocks

As you know by now is a two man show, It's just me and brother cranking out designs for tees, constructing the website and getting the word out to gamers. It's hard work! But we're going to stick with it and hustle.

We don't have a huge budget, or any budget for that matter lol. We're going rely entirely on word of mouth and viral videos (like our Niko Bellic Speed Drawing) to let people know that we exist.

If you like our stuff, please tell your friends, you don't have buy it right away (of course, that's also good lol). We want you to get comfortable and familiar with our brand so that you know when you buy our stuff you're getting quality because we work really hard on our designs.

So I hope you'll stick around and watch our brand grow, and we'll keep you in the loop every step of the way.

Welcome to The Gaming Ape Blog!

Hey how's it going, my name is Dharshan and I started along with my bro, Sindu. I like to spend a lot of time on gaming, and sometimes I get into trouble spending too much time. So I wanted to see if I can be productive while being passionate about gaming. It turns out that my bro, Sindu, is a pretty good graphics designer, so I came up with idea of a clothing brand just for gamers.

A couple of days later we came up with, an online store for video game t-shirts. This site is our pet project, it's our labor of love, it's two gamers who want to make the best gaming tees out there and share it with the world.

We started this blog, so that you get a better idea about what we do and what we're about. We'll talk about how we come up with our design ideas, how we make our tees and how we get our word out to the crowd. Check back on this blog, I'll try to update it often.