Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Humble Beggings & The School of Hard Knocks

As you know by now TheGamingApe.com is a two man show, It's just me and brother cranking out designs for tees, constructing the website and getting the word out to gamers. It's hard work! But we're going to stick with it and hustle.

We don't have a huge budget, or any budget for that matter lol. We're going rely entirely on word of mouth and viral videos (like our Niko Bellic Speed Drawing) to let people know that we exist.

If you like our stuff, please tell your friends, you don't have buy it right away (of course, that's also good lol). We want you to get comfortable and familiar with our brand so that you know when you buy our stuff you're getting quality because we work really hard on our designs.

So I hope you'll stick around and watch our brand grow, and we'll keep you in the loop every step of the way.

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