Saturday, September 13, 2008

Spore for All

Spore finally came out. Probably the most anticipated PC game in recent times. There was so much hype built up during its development, I don't think it was even possible to live up to it. But nonetheless it didn't disappoint. I mean, who could turn down a game that pretty much makes you god for a couple hours a day.

Hmm... with that said, its not all happy-go-lucky. The game seems to be having a bit of a piracy problem, well actually, a lot of a piracy problem. According to Big Champagne, a peer-to-peer research firm, Spore has been illegally downloaded over 150,000 times in the first week alone. Okay, so it’s not uncommon for a game of this caliber to be massively pirated, but to reach six digit figures in such a short time frame is pretty much unheard of. And the piracy seems to be more than just a means for freeloaders to smooch off of. It's building up somewhat of a movement.

EA's infamous DRM copy protection (which has annoying constraints, like forcing you to have the disk in the drive while playing) has been under heavy criticism for some time. So I guess now the gamers have decided to fight back, sticking it to the man. So far they have a great start, we'll just have to wait and see where it goes from here. Me personally, I'm hoping it becomes the most pirated game of all time, just for the heck of it.

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